Yard Sale.

Happening Now- 

New York, New York- Attenborough Naftel is pleased to announce our new installation entitled Yard Sale at De Buck Gallery, on view throughout the summer of 2014. Attenborough-Naftel are known for their interventionist installations and events held throughout the United States and Ireland. Yard Sale represents their first collaboration with De Buck Gallery, and will feature a room-scale installation resembling the all-American ideal of a yard sale, adapted for a Chelsea gallery. Attenborough-Naftel's DIY aesthetic supports and celebrates the desire to gather and play. Like their past work, Yard Sale appropriates the visual cues from this summertime event and encourages the audience to transcend from merely a viewer, and become an active participant. 
Yard Sale will function much as it's traditional namesake, selling the wares by gallery artists including Zevs, Kelly Reemtsen, Ruby Anemic, Hans Kotter and Mahmoud Hamadani, as well as numerous ephemera from previous Attenborough Naftel installations.


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